Old letter
Found this in the PI archives. Forgot about this one:
Both sides of war issue put needed pressure on Saddam
With pro-war and anti-war camps (nationally and internationally) lining up and their rhetoric increasing, it's important to see the benefits of having both sides around.
As much as I am opposed to a full-fledged war and occupation of Iraq, I commend President Bush for his show of resolve. At the same time, I also commend the leaders of France, Germany, China and Russia in their firm stances on increased inspections.
Taken together, these two "fronts" give us numerous opportunities for potential resolutions outside of war. In the realm of international politics, these two fronts represent carrots and sticks incentives: The United States turns up the heat and shines the interrogation light into Saddam's eyes while Germany, France, China and Russia offer Saddam a cookie and a Coke if he cooperates. Historically, these kinds of incentives have been very successful tools in international negotiations.
Despite the pundits' predictions, let us also remember that -- as of now -- we are not at war. Saddam still has time to comply with the U.N. inspectors. More important, the United States still has time to wait for a stronger coalition. From a strategic point of view, Germany, France, China and Russia are essential allies and should not be sacrificed at the altar of unilateral action. Meanwhile, the United States should keep Saddam on the burner, and set it on high.
We must rally behind our central goal -- disarming Saddam. Beyond this, it is in our best interest to support both fronts: President Bush's increasing resolve and our potential allies' stances for more inspection opportunities.