Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, July 24, 2008
O'Reilly hijacks Snow's casket, fails
Bill O'Reilly Column.
Translation: Bill O'Reilly stretches hen's teeth (* and ignores Fox coverage) in order to create a non-issue. In the process, Bill O'Reilly effectively politicizes Snow's death himself.
"Critics suggested Snow was turning the traditionally informational daily briefing into a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation."
"Critics suggested Snow was turning the traditionally informational daily briefing into a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation."
(The Associated Press contributed to this report.)
The recent death of Tony Snow brought sadness to millions of Americans who admired the man's public service and optimism about his country. But not everybody felt the need to honor Mr. Snow. Just hours after he died from cancer, the Associated Press released an obituary that has shocked some people and badly damaged the AP's image, at least in the conservative community.
AP reporter Douglass Daniel began the article by listing some of Tony's accomplishments, but then suddenly veered into ideological territory, writing: "With a quick-from-the-lip repartee, broadcaster's good looks and a relentlessly bright outlook-if not always a command of the facts-he became a popular figure around the country to the delight of his White House bosses...
"Critics suggested that Snow was turning the traditionally informational daily briefing into a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation."
(Note: Here's some famous Tony Snow Press briefings - count the facts, subtract the confrontations)
Now, remember, that was written just hours after the man passed away at age 53. To accuse Mr. Snow of factual inaccuracies without citing evidence is itself irresponsible,
(Doing Bill's homework for him: See best of Tony Snow Youtube BS)
...but to do it in an obit is outrageously inappropriate and an insult to the Snow family. If the Associated Press wants to do an opinion piece about Tony Snow's public service, fine. But at least wait until after the funeral.
The AP's treatment of Tony was in marked contrast to its sendoff for the late Tim Russert. That obituary was a glowing tribute to the man, as it should have been. Russert had a lot in common with Snow. They both worked for political guys; Russert's boss was the late Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynahan, and they both hosted Sunday morning network news programs. But while Russert was suitably honored by the AP, Snow came in for some snarky jibes.
Of course, this is all about ideology. The Associated Press has no use for President Bush and, increasingly, that opinion has creeped into its hard news coverage.
Oh, no shit? Bill O'Reilly should really bring this up at the next Fox News board meeting.
From Snow's obituary on Fox News:
"Critics suggested Snow was turning the traditionally informational daily briefing into a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation."
(The Associated Press contributed to this report.)
...And, increasingly, the AP is sending them opinion, not fact.
And thank you Fox News and Bill O'Reilly for demonstrating the difference
The head of the Associated Press, Tom Curley, told my producers he "stands by the obituary," so we invited him on the Factor to defend it. Immediately, Curley turned standing into running away. He refused to come on the program or issue a further statement.
I think Curley's treatment of Tony Snow should be included in his own obituary. And furthermore, the Associated Press may now be dead as an objective news organization.
How ironic that one obit could so quickly lead to another.
It will necessarily include the following (in this order):
II.) Registered Republican
III.) Inside Edition (post-tenure Polk award winning!)
IV.) Copyright: "Fucking thing SUCKS!"
V.) Copyright: "Shut-up!"
VI.) Gives Falafel and Loofa new meaning
Posted by
5:46 PM
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
No Satire: "We Distort, You Comply"
Fox News must be trying to fulfill every negative stereotype. Years ago, I distinctly remember enjoying this satirical jpeg and motto. But after Fox's latest "stunt", the satire is lost.
It really doesn't get any better/worse than this. The ever-eroding GOP Propaganda machine Faux Noise Network has hit a new low.
Problem: New York Times reporter Jacques Steinberg writes a fact-based article about FNC ratings slump, and how rival networks are catching up.
Solution: First and foremost, ignore all facts - facts have a notoriously liberal bias. Instead, attack the messenger. Hmmmmmm, no personal scandals, no evil-talking pastors, no bad outfits... damn.
Gotta go with Plan-"Zyklon-B"*: Attack messenger like Nazi 5-year olds.
FNC's morning craptacular photoshops Steinberg & NYT editor's photos (notice the nose extensions), turning them into vile mutants.
I would say Quasimoto, but they went with Totalmoto.
No, this isn't an onion headline.
And check date: No, not April 1st.
Here's the raw footage:
Posted by
4:21 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
How to get away with saying "WHITE POWER!"
Use Bill O'Reilly code, and say it like this:
(From his latest column)
"Yet, according to Gallup tracking polls this week, Obama and McCain are tied.As
Obama supporter P. Diddy might say: What's up with
Despite his charisma, his appeal to young Americans
and the support of a frenzied liberal media, millions of working class
Americans, primarily white, remain a bit skeptical of
the young Senator from Illinois. That's what's up, my man."
*Wink Wink, Sieg Heil*
Note: I would leave a link to Bill O'Reilly's column, but I would rather encourage traffic in this direction:
Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly
*Wink Wink, ka-boom*
Note 2: The editorial board here at Meet The Stress has been in the midst of wedding plans - August 22nd, to be exact. Thus, the extended Black Sabbatical. It's called priorities, folks.
Posted by
2:53 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Meet the Stress vs. Bigotmax
Orbusmax - indicted NW cesspool of circle-jerked conservative "info" - has turned it's cards & shown it's true colors. A recent headline reads the following:
RELIGION OF PEACE: Man decapitates nephew in Saudi supermarket...
...but after a click, you'll be sent to the following article in ArabNews:§ion=0&article=107428&d=3&m=3&y=2008
Give it a read and pay close attention the vital role of Islam in this gruesome act. Finished?
"A police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Arab News, “The murderer was in a dispute with the boy’s mother and her husband. He chopped off the boy’s head in front of the mother to get back at her.”
So according to an officer on the scene not only makes clear that this was a domestic dispute. He also called the name "murderer" the culprit. No mention of Islam as a motive. Not even an "honor killing" - common to Arabic culture, but an act not permitted under Islamic law.
In fact, there is not one mention to Islam at all in this entire article.
So why the big anti-Islam slam on the headline. What gives? Meet the Stress knew you would ask the same:
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 9:50 AM
Subject: "Religion of Peace" headlineDear Orbusmax editorial board,
You have the following link on your webpage:
"RELIGION OF PEACE: Man decapitates nephew in Saudi supermarket..."
But when I clicked on it and read the story, Islam was not mentioned as the cause of the incident. Here's a police officer's account:"A police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Arab News, “The murderer was in a dispute with the boy’s mother and her husband. He chopped off the boy’s head in front of the mother to get back at her.”
In fact, Islam is not mentioned AT ALL in this piece. Is there a reason you linked to this story with such a disingenious and misleading headline?
For someone who decries "liberal" journalistic standards, this seems slightly hypocritical
Orbusmax quickly responds:
From: "The Orb" To: " Subject: RE: "Religion of Peace" headline Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 14:32:02 -0800 Nate, I link hundreds of headlines a week, you found one mistake. I am sure you have made a few here and there.
Note: Despite this quasi-retraction, Orbusmax has yet to remove the deceptive bigoted headline
But the not-so certain Meet the Stress editorial board probed further:
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 1:00 PM
To: The Orb
Subject: RE: "Religion of Peace" headlineThanks for the response.
Just curious. Is there a specific reason why you linked this story as "Religion of Peace"?
Seriously, we had houses burning in Woodinville this week. I can google a thousand-and-one atrocities occuring all over the US (esp Florida ). All this despite our country supposedly being founded on "Christian principles".
Any correlation/causation there?Would you ever run a story about a baby found in a dumpster or ____________ (insert US atrocity here), but preface it with the title: "Moral Christian Nation Alert"?
Just checking.
From: " To: Subject: RE: "Religion of Peace" headline Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 14:32:02 -0800 Thanks for visiting Orbusmax.
Posted by
6:54 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Thompson Drops Out:
"Freeper's Requiem" in B-Whiner
One the greatest failures in GOP political history has finally reached it's pathetic inverted-crescendo:
Fred Thompson out of the Race
* At least until Giuliani's soon-to-be greater GOP failure trumps Thompson's failure beyond all comprehension.
Nonetheless, Thompson's rock took a *pa-toink* into the murky pool of political oblivion: * Note: Karl Rove's last day was August 31st - a coincidence overlooked by few Even before this spike, Fred was polling over everyone except Giuliani. We're gathered here today to mourn the demise of what could have been, but |
Posted by
10:20 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Chehalis' Banshee: Alfred Hamilton Lives!
The last time I fell under the spell of Chehalis WA, I had a lot less on my mind (See: Alfred Hamilton, Part I). Even then, the draw was fairly non-destinct. Yet despite all else (you know), I found myself again pulling off at Exit 72 Rush Road to document & archive NW history's favorite microcosm.
The weekend began in a typical PDX state of semi-conciousness. In recovery from this state, I headed North for a family reunion - a first for this set of cousins. Following my mapquest, I found myself at a familiar, yet never traveled, exit: "Dyke Access Road". Meeeeelions double entendres flashed through my mind ("Guess what I went up", etc etc). Quite a remote location, yet filled with hog-feeding fun: The tradition on this side is to make an army's serving of food to be eaten by 15 people. Long story even longer, I spend the rest of Saturday & Sunday being the personal jungle gym for all my cousins' kids (a blast), and then engaged fam in an all-night duel of guitar hero.
Meanwhile, the tsunami back home broke.
I-5 North. Passing through rural WA nothingness. Why do I find this area so familiar. Oh right, that's why:
Breaks lock up and I pull over. I won't lie, I may have sacrificed life and limb for Al. Next time I'll be sure to keep in the right lane sooner - no promises.
And always doubling our pleasure, Alfred hits again.
Now I'm pretty sure that the Alfred clan ran out of S's. But the remote possibility that the Hamilton kidz had since gained an affinity for gangsta rap made me laugh to myself - alone in the tall grass under Al's billboard.
Fellow archivers of NW microcosm: The Hamilton billboard changes monthly - possibly more frequently. When travelling down the I-5 coridoor, take a planned rest-stop at 1360 Rush Rd. Chehalis, WA 98532-8728, and snap off a few non-lethal rounds.
Posted by
6:43 PM